Why WOGA? Why now?
Rev. Lisa Pak
WOGA…"Women Of Global Action". This year, TTGST in conjunction with Onnuri Community Church in Seoul will host Korea’s first ever WOGA conference. Women leaders from all over the globe are eager and willing to arrive in Seoul to take part in this awesome mosaic of God’s daughters. They are here to learn. They are here to be blessed. They are here to be challenged. After all, they are this generation’s female leaders…and they are the mothers of our daughters—the leaders of the next generation. It seems pretty straight-forward.
But why just for women and why now? I mean, I’m a young female pastor so, yes, I’m invested in this conference but I’m still curious. I sat down with a pastor, whom I greatly respect, and we spoke about these things.
What is the significance of WOGA?
"First and foremost, WOGA is obeying Jesus’command to reach all people groups. Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples of all nations. But let’s be creative here. In today’s world where the earth has really become a global village, going out into the world to reach all people groups is also achieved by bringing the world to you! We have a great opportunity with this conference to educate, encourage and edify our sisters. It’s strategic missions. We invite, we educate and we send so that these women, who are already part of their cultures, can change their names inside out!
Second, God has truly blessed this nation. In the last century, our nation has experienced great revival. In a matter of decades, our nation has witnessed technological growth. The standard of living has risen, our economy is growing stronger—truly we have been blessed. What is more, our understanding of the way God loves our sisters, the women of our society, has also been challenged from our traditionally Confucian society. As our culture continues to embrace and encourage women to become all that God has intended them to be as daughters, sisters, mothers and leaders, we want to share this with our sisters of the world.
Finally, and related to the previous point, there is an international need for women leaders. Men have been leaders—or have at least been given the opportunity—throughout history. It is about time we extend the same right to our sisters."
Why is Onnuri Church supporting WOGA?
"Onnuri’s vision is Acts 29—to become that very church in Acts that tirelessly reached out to the world through missions. WOGA’s vision is to educate women from all nations to be Christian leaders. Hence, it’s only natural that we support WOGA~! Our vision is essentially one and the same! Onnuri Community Church is also associated with Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology, the seminary that is actively involved in running the conference as well. Hence, we think of it as a family ministry. Finally, our Onnuri Community celebrates our 22nd anniversary this October—and it just happens to be the same month during which WOGA will be held. What better way to celebrate our anniversary than supporting a truly God-glorifying conference!"
As our interview ended, I sat there for a moment, thinking. WOGA is a pretty big deal. It isa landmark occasion. It does glorify God. As the conference begins today—Monday, October 15th, 2007—I can now see just how far God can take this…and get this, it took a man to show me this vision.
WOGA 2007